Sunday, November 19, 2006

First post

As a first post I'll introduce myself. My name is Matt, I'm 21, and I live in New Jersey. I've done more things in my life than most people accomplish over an entire life time. I've fucked up more times than I can count. At one point in my life I was a heavy drinking and would often blackout and not know what happened. In the past 3 years I've pretty much figured myself out and can figure most people out. I've worked at two record labels as assistant label manager, I've worked in a kitchen as a sous chef, I've dropped out of college, I've returned to college, I've been in love and I've called ex's CUNTY, I've worked at Maxim magazine. All this stuff means nothing, but it's the experiences from these past 3 years that will be the basis of this blog. I will also include the ridiculous day to day happenings, but this is mainly a place for me to tell stories and hopefully give you a chance to figure my head out.

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